Si svolgerà il prossimo 27 novembre 2024 a Milano, presso l'Università di Milano (Palazzo Greppi, Sala Napoleonica, Via Sant’Antonio 12, 20122 Milano), l'evento scientifico Stem cell revolutions for neurodegenerative diseases. Di seguito il programma dell'evento.
I. Stem cell revolutions: a European alliance for Parkinson’s Disease
The morning session will focus on the results of 16 years of European stem cell research on Parkinson’s disease with a specific focus on the transplantation of stem cell derived neurons in the first-in-human European trial in patients. It will highlight the importance of competitive EU funding policies with reference to three European research consortia* dedicated to the topic and coordinated by Elena Cattaneo at the University of Milan.
The session is dedicated to professionals in different sectors, including biotech entrepreneurs, scientists and students interested at the clinical, collaborative and financial aspects of stem cell research.
08:30 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:45
Institutional greetings
Marina Brambilla, Rector of the University of Milan
Elena Cattaneo, University of Milan, NSC-Reconstruct Coordinator
09:45 – 10:00
An overview on Europe’s key role for research and innovation
Maria Leptin, European Research Council, President – online
10:00 – 11:00
The European research trajectory on Parkinson’s disease: from early stem cell research to the first-in-human transplantation in patients
Chair: Paolo Calabresi (Policlinico Gemelli, Rome)
Anders Björklund (Lund University)
Malin Parmar (Lund University)
Roger Barker (University of Cambridge)
The beginnings and initial hurdles of research on dopamine cell replacement therapy for Parkinson’s Disease – The revival of the field under European leadership using human embryonic stem cells as source for transplantable neurons – The EU-funded breakthroughs leading to STEM-PD, the first European trial of stem cell-derived dopamine neurons in patients with Parkinson’s disease, now ongoing and awaiting its first results.
11:00 – 11:15
Coffee break
11:15 – 11:55
The US effort and results in the fifield of stem cells for Parkinson’s disease: synergies and joint efforts with Europe
Chair: Fabio Blandini (Policlinico of Milan)
Viviane Tabar (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York)
Lorenz Studer (Sloan Kettering Institute, New York)
11:55 – 12:25
The Patients’ perspective
Andrew Cassy, STEM-PD trial participant, in dialogue with Roger Barker (University of Cambridge)
12:25 – 13:15
The social, economic and industrial impact of European research policies
Chaired and introduced by Mario Monti, former European Commissioner for Internal Market and Competition
Arjon van Hengel, European Commission DG Research and Innovation, Deputy Head of Unit for Health Innovations & Ecosystems
Sofia Håkansson Buch, Novo Nordisk, Vice President for Cell Therapy CMC
13:15 – 13:30
Questions from the audience
Lunch & opportunity to meet the speakers
II. The science behind stem cell therapy for Parkinson’s Disease
The afternoon session will be strictly scientific and will focus on the latest advancements in stem cell research for Parkinson’s Disease. Participants will have the unique opportunity to meet leading experts in the field.
The session is dedicated to the scientific community, including postdocs and PhD students.
Chairs: Elena Cattaneo (University of Milan) & Paolo Calabresi (Policlinico Gemelli, Rome)
14:45 – 15:15
40 years of research on cell therapy for Parkinson’s disease
Anders Björklund (Lund University)
15:15 – 15:30
In memory of Ernest Arenas
Carlos Villaescusa (Novo Nordisk)
15:30 – 16:10
First and second-generation strategies in developing a cell-based therapy for Parkinson’s disease
Lorenz Studer (Sloan Kettering Institute, New York)
16:10 – 16:50
Designing stem cell trials for Parkinson’s Disease
Viviane Tabar (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York)
16:50 – 17:10
Coffee break
17:10 – 17:50
Current status and challenges for stem cell-based dopamine cell products as a therapy for Parkinson’s disease
Roger Barker (University of Cambridge)
17:50 – 18:30
The next generation stem cell therapies: better cells, better therapies and broader application
Malin Parmar (Lund University)
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